Nerja Lovers Facebook Page – Nerja Information on Social Media

Judith Chalmers Wish you were here

Nerja Lovers is the name of a Facebook page for visitors and residents of Nerja

Nerja is a fantastic place for a holiday at any time of the year. It is, from talking to friends also a great place to live. I have been visiting Nerja since 1995 when we stayed at the Balcòn de Europa hotel.

This is located, strangely enough, at the end of the Balcòn de Europa (Who would have thought?). We also rented privately in apartments over the Bar 19 pub.

These days though, we visit Nerja many times during the year as we live in the north of Malaga province, about an hour away. Any excuse will do for us, “fancy a curry?” “How about a week away?”, you name it, we can find an excuse to get down to that lovely part of the Costa del Sol.

Also, I like to get new photographs and see what’s happening for this Blog.

Nerja Beach Holidays have lots of beautiful villas and apartments in Nerja, so, we like to stay as often as we can.

Where to Eat in Nerja? What’s the Best Beach…

Since Judith Chalmers first introduced the watching world to Nerja way back in the nineties, people have been visiting in even greater numbers. This is still true today. Nerja back then looked a bit different to what it does in 2022. Not too much but time and modernisation move on.

Along came social media and things changed even more. Now, people who visit Nerja and the wider Costa del Sol don’t need brochures to tell them what to do or where to stay. Facebook, for example, is awash with information: some good, some utter codswallop.

This prompted people to set up their own Facebook pages for Nerja. Some are fantastic and offer real information; one such Facebook page is Nerja Lovers

Nerja Lovers Facebook Page

Nerja Lovers Facebook Page logo
Nerja Lovers Facebook Page logo – It sort of acts as a mark of quality


Hello, friends from around the world. Welcome to our group which is dedicated to all of you who love Nerja and want to share your pictures, videos and experience from this amazing city!

Nerja Lovers is a new community on Facebook. We are united by their love for Nerja, the passion to buy in the small shop in Nerja, and preserve the beautiful beaches and all the charms of Nerja.

Sorry if we make mistakes. We are human and this is why we make mistakes.
The group rules: (Yes! there are rules so make sure you abide by them)

This page is great and very popular, with 58k plus members. So, if you need an opinion or some local information, this page is very useful. There are thousands of photographs of Nerja and the surroundings.

Beware though! there are some very strange people on that Facebook Page.

As with other blogs and Social Media sites, you do get a few ‘strange’ people posting answers to mainly genuine questions. You also get some stupid questions asked by some genuine people.

One person asked the group “What is the weather like at the end of May?”

Some answers were ”

Come and find out! How the **** do we know, look up the long-range forecast like everybody else.
Sorry !! It’s great”
Maybe ask the Just Stop Oil protesters, they can predict the future.
PS If you’d said please l would have given you a sensible answer.
Others were a lot more polite and sensible.


If you are a regular visitor to the Nerja Lovers Facebook page, you will soon get to know the characters. My favourite is a lady who you would swear is the Mayoress of Nerja. I know she is a resident because she uses the royal “We” in all of her posts.

I you are looking for photographs of Nerja, the hotels, restaurants, beaches and so forth, this is a great group for you to visit.

Check out the Nerja Beach Holidays website for the best villas, apartments and townhouses in Nerja.

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