Not Spain Again!: Channel 4 A Place in the Sun – Things You Need to Know
A Place in the Sun
If you mention A Place in the Sun, people will usually think of that wonderful Stevie Wonder song of the same name. Or, you might think of the film?
Based upon the true story of Chester Gillette, who murdered his pregnant girlfriend in 1906. He was tried, convicted, and executed in 1908. The ghost of the victim, Grace Brown, is said to haunt Big Moose Lake where she drowned, in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. (Nice!)
These days, especially if you are a watcher of Channel 4, you will find yourself watching house-hunting Brits.
Property experts help British couples who are looking to move from their home in dreary Britain for the sun, sea and sand abroad.
The Channel 4 show is filmed for Most a staggering 48 weeks out of the year, with around 120 episodes filmed in any twelve months. Regular destinations include Spain, Italy and France. Mostley it is filmed in Spain (much to the chagrin of many of their viewers, if the APITS Facebook page is anything to go by!)
If you want to spend a pleasant hour or so, check out A Place in the Sun’s Facebook page. The comments range from the ill-informed to the seasoned travel experts, from pleasant banter to downright techno-rage! (Grrr!)
Why is it always Spain?
One of the most whined about topics: why is it always Spain? You will get this every time the program features the Costa del Sol or the Canary Islands etc. There is always somebody complaining. The fact that there are more UK ex-pats in Spain than anywhere else in Europe doesn’t seem to matter to them.
The Presenters – What are they wearing?

Another topic guaranteed to raise the hackles in the APITS Facebook pit is fashion: yes, fashion! OK, some of the presenters do look like they have either dressed in the dark or, have been shoplifting in War on Want.
Some of the comments do get close to the knuckle. It’s a dress or a shirt, nothing more! If the presenters want to dress like mad parrots, let them!
Why are they always holding hands?

My pet hate is when the guests if they are male and female (dare I say that?) then you can guarantee, they look like these Climate Activists who glue themselves to Botticelli paintings. There is nothing more irritating than people holding hands whilst debating the merits of a one-bedroom apartment in Benidorm! Let go!
Showing a million-pound house: Why?
I don’t get this one. There can be a couple, with reasonable expectations (5 bedroom detached villa with pool and jacuzzi, stables, 4 car garage and, with a budget of €95,000) and we get shown a property worth millions? I suspect this might be for advertising purposes.
Time-wasters and Misers

Often, the show will go the whole hog and the house-hunters find a property that matches their unrealistic expectations. They are asked by the presenter if they want to make an offer (I love this bit; guaranteed to get the FB page wound up). “You do? how wonderful!” twitters the presenter.
On the blower, they get to the seller of the property. “I’ve got wonderful news for you, they want to make you an offer!” The poor seller is then told that Mr and Mrs Scrooge want to offer 20K below the asking price, and, they want it fully furnished.
It could be worse though. If the buyers decide they have not seen anything that makes them want to part with their money, then Mr and Mrs Facebook declare them to be ‘pathetic time-wasters!’ who should not be on the show.
A Place in the Sun-Too Many Questions
Many questions get asked by viewers and I found an article that might help.
I found an article in the Liverpool Echo (Yes, we can read in Liverpool) which is well worth a few minutes of your time if you like the program. Liverpool Echo
I once saw the show being filmed in my own village, it was the third or fourth time. I cannot understand why they get a table and chairs, some soft drinks and sit in the middle of a town square or the beach?. Answers below please.